Trademark Search in Nigeria
Trademark Search in Nigeria is necessary to find if there is any registered or pending mark on the trademarks register that may be cited against a trademark application in the same goods and services.
Trademark registration is territorial which means you should conduct brand research in Nigeria in which you wish to manufacture, use or sell your goods or services.
It is essential that a search (often referred to as “trademark availability search”) is conducted prior to the filing of an application so that the applicant can have some certainty about access to the Nigerian market through the registration of his trademark.
AAED LAW assists clients to protect their brand and protect intellectual property. Our attorneys are experienced in trademarks and have a proven track record of countless smooth trademarks registered in Nigeria.
Our firm represents brands from around the world. We are experienced with obtaining grants of difficult marks and overcoming objections raised by the Nigerian Trademark Office.
Why is trademark Search in Nigeria important?
- A trademark search in Nigeria informs brand owners about whether they have the freedom to use their intended mark, or if a similar mark is already in use and registered by another in Nigeria.
- Carrying out a trademark search allows brand owners to assess their chances of being able to register a mark in Nigeria and modify their brand strategy accordingly.
- Doing a trademark search in Nigeria prior is essential for market access and a successful product launch, which can save brand owners valuable time and money in the long run.
How AAED LAW Could Help?
Please contact our IP lawyers for any assistance or enquiries. Email at
Trademark Search in Nigeria